#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC1090 # .bashrc bash start script # (c) Pcht 2007-2020 # may work on multiple hosts with different OS (Debian, Arch) # # If not running interactively, don't do anything [ -z "$PS1" ] && return echo ">> .bashrc" export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 # history : don't put duplicate lines in the history. Ignore line begin with space export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:ignorespace # ... add timestamp export HISTTIMEFORMAT="[%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S] " ### append history to file shopt -s histappend ### check before use history command (like !!) shopt -s histverify # check the window size after each command and, if necessary, # update the values of LINES and COLUMNS. shopt -s checkwinsize ## autocd shopt -s autocd # make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1) [ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(lesspipe)" # LESS options export LESS="-FRX" # very basic prompt -- more in .bash_prompt PROMPT_COMMAND='PS1="[\u@\h] -- \w "; echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD/$HOME/~}\007"' # I love google-chrome :) # export BROWSER=google-chrome # FIXME just do it once # xdg-settings set default-web-browser google-chrome.desktop # but w3m is lighter export BROWSER=w3m # ... and vim is the Best export EDITOR=vim export PAGER=less # very min bash aliases alias ls='ls -F --color' alias l='ls -l' alias ll='ls -al' alias wa='ssh warhol' # # bash stuff # test -f ~/.bash_aliases && source ~/.bash_aliases test -f ~/.bash_prompt && source ~/.bash_prompt eval "$(dircolors ~/.dircolors)" # shellcheck disable=SC2046 test -f ~/.dircolors && eval $(dircolors ~/.dircolors) test -d ~/dotfiles/bash_completion && { for f in ~/dotfiles/bash_completion/*.bash; do # echo "BASH completion $f" source "$f" done; } export MANPAGER="less -R --use-color -Dsc -Dk+r -Dd+g -Du+c -DPgb -DEbR" export MANROFFOPT="-P -c" # make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1) [ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe.sh ] && eval "$(lesspipe.sh)" # startship # https://starship.rs/ type -t starship >/dev/null && { eval "$(starship init bash)" eval "$(starship completions bash)" } #==-- archlinux --==# # command not find # shellcheck disable=SC1091 test -f /usr/share/doc/pkgfile/command-not-found.bash && source /usr/share/doc/pkgfile/command-not-found.bash ### .local stuffs # manpath export MANPATH=$HOME/.local/share/man: # path for updatedn / locate # export LOCATE_PATH=$HOME/.local/share/locate # test -d "$LOCATE_PATH" || mkdir -p "$LOCATE_PATH" # added by Nix installer # od it in .bash_profile if [ -e /home/patrick/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh ]; then . /home/patrick/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh; fi # tmux dirty hack : TERM and SSH_AGENT_PID # test -n "$TMUX" && export TERM="xterm-256color" # use gpg-agent for gpg # from gpg-agent(1) # if [ -f "~/.gnupg/.gpg-agent-info" ]; then # . "~/.gnupg/.gpg-agent-info" # export GPG_AGENT_INFO # # export SSH_AUTH_SOCK # fi # GPG_TTY=$(tty) # export GPG_TTY # fuzzyFinder FIXME bloque la completion [ -f ~/.fzf.bash ] && source ~/.fzf.bash ### tuir / fork of rtv : reddit terminal Viewer export TUIR_BROWSER=urlportal.sh export TUIR_URLVIEWER=urlview # XDG export XDG_MUSIC_DIR=~/perso/Musique/ ### PATH ################################################## # see ~/devel/dotfiles/bashrc_func # _append_path [ -r ] # return # 0: ok # 1: error # ?: dir already in path function _append_path() { local append_infront=0 if test "$1" = '-r' then append_infront=1 shift fi local path="$1" local str="$2" test -n "$str" || { echo "$path"; return 0; } test -z "$path" && { echo "$str" return 0 } if echo "$path" | grep -q "$str" then echo "$path" else if test $append_infront = 1 then echo "$str:$path" else echo "$path:$str" fi fi return 0 } # _prepend_path function _prepend_path() { _append_path -r "$1" "$2"; } ### rust test -d "$HOME/.cargo/bin" && PATH=$(_prepend_path "$PATH" "$HOME/.cargo/bin") ### golang - default is $HOME/go/bin export GOPATH="$HOME/go" test -d "$HOME"/go/bin && PATH=$(_prepend_path "$PATH" "$HOME/go/bin") type -t buffalo > /dev/null 2>&1 && eval "$(buffalo completion bash)" function bt { echo "bash bt $*" local opt= test "$#" -ne 0 && opt="-m ""$*" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 buffalo test $opt | _gotestcolored | less -RF } function btv { echo "bash btv $*" local opt= test "$#" -ne 0 && opt="-m ""$*" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 buffalo test -v $opt | _gotestcolored | less -RF } # host specific bash test -r "$HOME/.bashrc-${HOSTNAME}" && source "$HOME/.bashrc-${HOSTNAME}" # and in front, my scripts PATH=$(_prepend_path "$PATH" ".:$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin") # ruby gem PATH PATH=$(_append_path "$PATH" /home/patrick/.gem/ruby/3.0.0/bin) # dont modify PATH below export PATH # TERM # echo " TERM=$TERM ($(tput colors) colors)" # echo " DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" # # SSH # # ssh-add # from https://www.revsys.com/tidbits/ssh_auth_sock-tmux-and-you/ function _check_ssh_agent() { ssh-add -l } # function set_ssh_agent() { # declare -g SSH_AUTH_SOCK # echo "-> play with ssh-add" # local SAS=${SSH_AUTH_SOCK} # echo " export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SAS" # export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SAS # if _check_ssh_agent # then # echo " ssh-agent OK : set SSH_AUTH_SOCK" # SSH_AUTH_SOCK=${HOME}/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock # fi # if ! _check_ssh_agent # then # echo " ssh-agent KO : link to $SAS" # ln -sf "${SAS}" "$HOME"/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock # fi # } # set_ssh_agent # find le last ssh-agent and export as SSH_AUTH_SOCK # /!\ Dont launch at login function _ssh_agent2 () { local pid f pid=$(pgrep --newest ssh-[a]gent) test $? = 0 || { echo " Cant find process ssh-[a]gent";return 1; } # echo "[D] pid=$pid" f=$(sudo lsof -F n -p "$pid" -a -U | grep ^n | head -1) test $? = 0 || { echo "Cant find lsof ssh-agent [pid=$pid]";return 1; } # echo "[D] lsof=$f" f=${f:1} f=$(awk '{print $1}' <<<"$f") # echo "[D] lsof|awk =$f" # f=$(sudo lsof -p "$pid" | grep 'unix.*type=STREAM' | awk '{print $9}') test -S "$f" || { echo "Cant find unix socket $f of ssh-agent [pid=$pid]"; return 1; } export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$f" # echo " (new) export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" } function u () { local o="$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" echo " export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" _ssh_agent2 test "$o" = "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" || echo " (new) export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" } # # SSH_ASKPASS # # if test -f /usr/lib/ssh/x11-ssh-askpass # then # export SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/lib/ssh/x11-ssh-askpass # echo "-> play with SSH_ASKPASS" # elif test -f /usr/lib/openssh/x11-ssh-askpass # then # export SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/lib/openssh/x11-ssh-askpass # echo "-> play with SSH_ASKPASS" # fi # mkcd function mkcd { test -n "$1" || return 1 if test -d "$1" then echo "dir '$1' already exists" cd "$1" || { echo "Cant cd to $1"; return 1; } elif test -f "$1" then echo "file '$1' already exists" else mkdir -p "$1" cd "$1" || { echo "Cant cd to $1"; return 1; } fi } function mkdev () { test -n "$1" || { echo Missing argument; return 1; } test -f "$HOME/devel/$1" && { echo "file $HOME/devel/$1 already exists"; return 1; } test -d "$HOME/devel/$1" || mkdir "$HOME/devel/$1" cd "$HOME/devel/$1" || { echo "Cant cd to $HOME/devel/$1"; return 1; } } function cdev () { cd "$HOME/devel/$1" || { echo "Cant cd to $HOME/devel/$1"; return 1; } } function clean_comment () { local opts test "$1" -eq "-i" && { opts='-i';shift; } test -n "$1" || { echo Missing argument; return 1; } sed $opts '/^#/d;s/#.*$//;/^ *$/d' "$1" } function faint () { # echo as faint test -n "$1" || return 0 echo -e "\e[2m$*\e[m" } # # openssl # # https://www.sslshopper.com/article-most-common-openssl-commands.html # chech all cert/key/csr function openssl_check_all { local file="$1" __openssl_check_all "$file" local file2;file2=${file//./_} test "$file" = "$file2" && return 0 file="$file2" __openssl_check_all "$file2" } __openssl_check_all () { test -e "${1}.csr" && openssl_check_csr "${1}.csr" test -e "${1}.cert" && openssl_check_cert "${1}.cert" test -e "${1}.cer" && openssl_check_cert "${1}.cer" test -e "${1}.crt" && openssl_check_cert "${1}.crt" test -e "${1}.pem" && openssl_check_cert "${1}.pem" test -e "${1}.key" && openssl_check_key "${1}.key" } # check Certificate Signing Request file function openssl_check_csr { test -f "$1" || { echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") "; return 1; } faint "# openssl req -noout -text -verify -in $1" openssl req -noout -text -verify -in "$1" | grep Subject: faint "# openssl req -noout -modulus -in $1 | openssl md5 " openssl req -noout -modulus -in "$1" | openssl md5 } # check certificate file function openssl_check_cert { test -f "$1" || { echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") "; return 1; } faint "# openssl x509 -noout -dates -in $1" openssl x509 -noout -dates -in "$1" faint "# openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $1 | openssl md5" openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in "$1" | openssl md5 } # check private key file function openssl_check_key { test -f "$1" || { echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") "; return 1; } faint "# openssl rsa -modulus -noout -in $1 | openssl md5" openssl rsa -modulus -noout -in "$1" | openssl md5 } # check https site function openssl_check_https { test -n "$1" || { echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") mon.site.example.com"; return 1; } faint "# openssl s_client -servername $1 -connect $1:443 " openssl s_client -servername "$1" -connect "$1:443" < /dev/null } # check ssl/tls site function openssl_check_protocol { test -n "$1" || { echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") mon.site.example.com"; return 1; } faint "# openssl s_client -servername $1 -connect $1 | egrep 'Protocol|Cipher'" openssl s_client -servername "$1" -connect "$1" <> /dev/null | grep -E 'Protocol|Cipher' } # check certificat file dates function openssl_check_cert_validity { test -n "$1" || { echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") mon.site.example.com:443"; return 1; } faint "# openssl s_client -servername ${1%:*} -connect '$1' < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates" openssl s_client -servername "${1%:*}" -connect "$1" < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates # # validation de OCSP # see https://github.com/yasharne/OCSP_Checker/blob/master/ocsp_checker.sh # see https://raymii.org/s/articles/OpenSSL_manually_verify_a_certificate_against_a_CRL.html # https://medium.com/@yasharne/how-to-check-if-a-certificate-is-revoked-using-a-bash-script-393f14ee7cd5 local ocsp;ocsp="$(openssl s_client -servername "${1%:*}" -connect "$1" < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -ocsp_uri)" # le certificat local dest_cert;dest_cert=$(mktemp) openssl s_client -connect "$1" < /dev/null 2>&1 | sed -n '/-----BEGIN/,/-----END/p' > "$dest_cert" # la chaine de certificat local chain_cert;chain_cert=$(mktemp) # openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $1 < /dev/null 2>&1 | sed -n '/-----BEGIN/,/-----END/p' | sed -E '/^---/d' > $chain_cert openssl s_client -showcerts -connect "$1" < /dev/null 2>&1 | sed -n '/-----BEGIN/,/-----END/p' > "$chain_cert" # la chaine sans le certificat local onlychain_cert;onlychain_cert=$(mktemp) awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0]--;next} (++a[$0] > 0)' "$dest_cert" "$chain_cert" > "$onlychain_cert" # local grep_cert=$(mktemp) # sed -e '/^---/d' "$dest_cert" > $grep_cert # grep -Fvxf "$grep_cert" "$chain_cert" | sed -e '1s/^/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n/' -e "\$a-----END CERTIFICATE-----"> $onlychain_cert # faint "dest_cert = $dest_cert chain_cert = $chain_cert onlychain_cert = $onlychain_cert" faint "# openssl ocsp -issuer $onlychain_cert -cert $dest_cert -text -url $ocsp" openssl ocsp -issuer "$onlychain_cert" -cert "$dest_cert" -url "$ocsp" -text 2>/dev/null | grep "$dest_cert" 2>/dev/null | awk -F " " '{print $2}' } function curl_check_https { test -n "$1" || { echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") mon.site.example.com"; return 1; } faint "# curl -vIk https://$1" test -n "$1" && curl -vIk https://"$1" } # fzf functions function vf { if test -n "$1" then edit "$(fzf --preview="cat {}" -q "$1")" else edit "$(fzf --preview="cat {}")" fi } function vfb { pushd ~/bin > /dev/null || exit if test -n "$1" then edit "$(fzf --multi --preview="cat {}" -q "$1")" else edit "$(fzf --multi --preview="cat {}" )" fi popd > /dev/null || exit } function of { if test -n "$1" then see "$(fzf --preview="cat {}" -q "$1")" else see "$(fzf --preview="cat {}")" fi } function odoc { pushd ~/docs > /dev/null || exit if test -n "$1" then see "$(fzf --preview="cat {}" -q "$1")" else see "$(fzf --preview="cat {}")" fi popd > /dev/null || exit } # Lorem ipsum function lorem_ipsum { cat <&1 | grep -E 'Stream|Duration' } function videomakefilm { # from https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/H.264 # video = h264 crf=$crf # audio acc 128k test -f "$1" || return 127 test -z "$2" && return 127 local crf=25 # video size https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-utils.html#Video-size # ntsc 720x480 # pal 720x576 # hd720 1280x720 # hd1080 2048x1080 # 4k 4096x2160 local vsize=pal # = 720x576 # video rate https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-utils.html#Video-rate # ntsc 30000/1001 # pal 25/1 # film 24/1 # local vrate=film # = 24 fps echo ffmpeg -i "$1" -c:v libx264 -preset slow -tune film -crf $crf -c:a aac -b:a 128k -s $vsize "$2" ffmpeg -i "$1" -c:v libx264 -preset slow -tune film -crf $crf -c:a aac -b:a 128k -s $vsize "$2" } function lastfile () { if test "$1" = '-l' then /bin/ls -1ltr | /usr/bin/tail -1 else /bin/ls -1tr | /usr/bin/tail -1 fi } function newpasswd() { date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32 ; echo # autre # openssl rand -hex 32 } ## llm https://rez0.blog/hacking/2023/09/18/vim-llm-hacks.html comment () { local system='Add comments to this code. Respond with the code and comments. Do not alter the functional aspect of the code, but still return it. Be sure and include the code in the response. Do not respond in a markdown code block. Just respond with the code and comments. Do not preamble or say anything before or after the code. for example: If the user sent "print(1)\nprint(2)", you would reply "# Prints 1\nprint(1)\n# Prints 2\nprint(2)"' if test -t 0 then echo "$*" | llm -m starcoderbase-7b-ggml -s "$system" else cat | llm -m starcoderbase-7b-ggml -s "$system" fi } # terraform env # shellcheck disable=SC1091 test -r /home/terraform/.terraform_pipelinerc && source /home/terraform/.terraform_pipelinerc # echo "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" # ls -l ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock # ssh-add -l # x11 forwarding FIXME # echo "DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" # xauth list #to launch app with radeon use PRIME # DRI_PRIME=1 # cpan config if test -d /home/patrick/perl5 then PATH="/home/patrick/perl5/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}"; export PATH; PERL5LIB="/home/patrick/perl5/lib/perl5${PERL5LIB:+:${PERL5LIB}}"; export PERL5LIB; PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT="/home/patrick/perl5${PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT:+:${PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT}}"; export PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT; PERL_MB_OPT='--install_base /home/patrick/perl5' # shellcheck disable=2090 export PERL_MB_OPT; fi # pyenv if test -n "$(type -p pyenv)" then export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv" command -v pyenv >/dev/null || export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH" eval "$(pyenv init -)" # pyenv-virtualenv # eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)" fi #_ shellcheck export SHELLCHECK_OPTS="-x" echo "<< .bashrc" # end .bashrc